Back in Athens for a day and a half and I saw the early preview up in Burda site.
Is it just me being in a summery mood, thinking about shirred dresses, with light fabrics and white eyelets or this issue is ...? I cannot find the word, you name it!
First of all it's too autumn-y for my taste right now and secondly it reminds me of the story of Heidi in the Alps! You know the one that the little girls was left to grow up with her grandfather and eventually got to love the nature etc.
I've learned by now that an early preview holds half of the full preview, but I only like one pattern right now and believe me it's not hard to tell which one!

Would you sew any of the models above?
Which one and why?
I would really love to hear your opinion.
Now we change era.
This part of the preview reminds me the patterns that Burda published about a year or so ago.

Does this remind you of anything?

Doesn't it look just like this one from issue 8/2011?

In the last issue the pattern is for a tunic, designed by Antik Batik brand.
I'm guessing you can tell this next one is my only favourite!
Will I buy the issue for this one? Hmm... let me see the full preview first.

(why is she wearing these ugly panty hoses?)
See you around
The Alpine-Style Models are important for German readers because the annual Oktoberfest will happen end of Septenber in Munich, and everybody will wear traditional "Dirndl-Dresses" and Lederhosen there! ;-)
Thank you for the info Anonymous, that was good to know, changed my perspective.
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