It's a patterns site, that has collected all known pattern brands and offers you the choice or either ordering the patterns in paper or downloading (most of) them.
Sometimes the price differs from the original company, to the best! So take a look and let me know your impressions. Oh if you subscribe, you will get free notifications of all the offers, plus free patterns from time to time.
There is a Simplicity sales running from today, untill September the 6th and maybe you should take a look at it.
Sew Simple patterns originaly cost 1.99 $, but you can find them for 1.45 $ on, you will also find the rest of the patterns for 2.99 $. It's a good deal isn't it. On the Perfect fit patterns and the vintage ones are a bit more expensive.
So the minute I saw the sale, I went and filled me cart with this

and this

and this

and this

and this

and this

... but my smile froze, cause they won't ship to Greece! I have no idea why, I should contact them....
See you around
Bummer re: the shipping. They ship to the United Kingdom (where I am) so I don't see why they shouldn't ship to the rest of the EU :( ?
I contact them and they said if I made a notice of it in my order they would make sure they would ship it to Greece. I didn't order anything after all, because the shipping charge was way to high, almost as much as the patterns cost!
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